
He led us in, across the quiet room,

And stopped beside a table next the wall: And, as we followed him,

I saw the eyes that lifted Heads that turned

To follow Blanche and me.

It pleased me that she wore

The warm plum dress

Which suited her so well,

The single strand of pearls around her throat, And the new wrap, that lay

In silver folds along her arms.

In gratitude I admired the composure

That she bore so regally.

The diners silently approved

And turned back to their meal;

Blanche and 1,-we followed good Pierre. "Tonight, madame, your favorite soup," He murmured. "And for you, monsieurBut I will send Eduard to you;

He is a good waiter; he is new!

The wine list, sir-"

Then Pierre withdrew and left us to ourselves.

For me, my Blanche was almost wine enough, And my heart glowed with pride

As she smiled back to me.

There by ourselves again, quite undisturbed; In the old restaurant we both loved.

I saw her smooth dark hair

Combed low upon her head, A single silver ornament Adorning it, above one ear; The flushing olive of her cheeks, And then that slow sweet smile Which told how glad she was

To be with me again.

Her wrap had fallen back,

And from her ear

The loveliest curve ran down

Along her throat and shoulder

And her firm round arm

Which tapered to the hand